
2012年9月25日 星期二

總公司「One by One全球兒童計畫」部落格報導安麗「希望工場」故事


安麗「希望工場」是台灣安麗於1999年結合愛心、創意與行銷概念所打造的公益品牌。在「給他機會‧自力更生」的理念下,替身心障礙的朋友們量身打造工 作,協助他們就業,也找到成就感和尊嚴。同時,藉由全台灣超過31萬的安麗直銷夥伴共同銷售,不僅讓更多民眾能夠實際參與,銷售所得利潤也回捐社福機構與 弱勢團體,讓每一份愛心能夠發揮更大的能量。

日前,安麗全球總公司有感於安麗「希望工場」在過去十幾年裡成功地向社會大眾傳達其公益理念,特地在「安麗One by One全球兒童計畫」官網中專文闡述安麗「希望工場」的品牌精神,並且介紹安麗「希望工場」於2012年與陽光基金會的公益合作,提供傷友工作隊全方位的 協助,製作常態性販售商品-「安麗希望工場萬用布」的故事。

註:「安麗One by One全球兒童計畫」,是安麗總公司為了全球貧困孩童於2003年所發起的公益活動。透過社會大眾與直銷商的努力,目前已經募集超過1億4千萬美金,嘉惠全球800萬名以上的兒童。

Jan.16 2012
Manufacturing Hope in Taiwan

This year, Amway Taiwan marks 13 years of support for the Hope Maker program. Guided by the goal of “offering opportunities for people to pursue self-reliance,” Hope Maker provides jobs for those who have been severely burned, who suffer from oral cancer, or who have had other significant accidents that prevent them from entering society.

People like Wan-rou.

Wan-rou, who has a pair of clear and beautiful eyes, used to have a cheerful character. However, she lost everything immediately after a gas explosion. After the incident, she tried very hard to look for a job but failed.

Through the Sunshine Foundation, Amway’s Hope Maker partner, Wan-rou was given training and a job making high-performance cleaning towels. The towels are a special promotional item sold by Amway distributors in Taiwan, with the proceeds going to education programs for disadvantaged children.

Wan-rou has more difficulty sewing the mops than other people. However, she never complains because she has found a new start in the Hope Maker work team. Thus, every product is a handcrafted labor of love, providing a new life of hope for the workers.

Through the partnership of Amway, its distributors, employees and caring friends in Taiwan, we have collected than NT$ 53.4 million (US$1.74 million) for the Hope Maker program, helping more than 18,000 people over the years.

This year, Amway Taiwan plans to offer the program year-round, providing more jobs, helping more children with their education, and offering more opportunities for people to live generously.


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